Nov 3, 2006

I Will Look After You Forever....

They could’ve been happier… if they lived with parent/s…
where they could feel the warmth of having a family…
nurtured by love...
surrounded by care…

I’ve been asking myself lately… should I adopt?
According to Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung No.6 Tahun 1983 yes I can adopt…
we don’t have to be married to become adoptive parent… this is a very good news for sure… :D.
I agree with what wrote on their website..
“Children do not need "perfect" parent/s - they need one or more caring and committed individuals willing to meet their needs and to incorporate them into a nurturing lifetime family environment”…

The question now is… can I be good mom?… I know adoption is not a simple thing… the adoptive parents are responsible for the adoptee’s life for the rest of their life… their well-being, health, school and many other… although I have the motive for adoption I don't think it’s enough.
I know I should seriously think about it before making any decission… because I kinda think saving the lives of my own children is a selfish act… because I saved them for myself… I can save the live of these children as well…

so... why wouldn’t I do it?