Nov 30, 2006

November, rain, and everything in between

God is so full of surprises… I love you God, more than anything in this world and beyond… Contohnya malam ini, jam dipergelangan tangan saya menunjukkan pukul 21:49… tapi di toll Jagorawi tidak bergerak, entah ada apa didepan sana… sementara argo taxi sudah mencapai angka 51500 duh… gimana mo kaya raya hidup begini modelnya… ofcourse I can take 56 yang lebih ramah dompet tapi malam ini hujan dan saya mesti bawa pulang lappy…
I’m not unemployed okay… but unlike many other young girls in this city… *celingak celinguk*…. I’m not that loaded :D


I met Bunga this afternoon… janjian jam 4 sore di Setiabudi Building, saya terlambat satu jam. Not because I’m not reliable *sigh* …the meeting was scheduled to be finished by 4, tapi jam lima kurang sepuluh baru bubar… jadilah gw kayak nerd banyak tentengan tergopoh-gopoh a la Ugly Betty buru2 nyari taxi terus cabut.


Anak itu sedang duduk dengan manis di cakery shop, minum something that looks like iced cappuccino and a slice of pizza *I guess…*, dia menghabiskan snacks sore itu kemudian kami langsung menuju 21, cuma ada 3 film sore ini, Casino Royale, Harsh Times dan film hantu murahan a la Indonesia… berhubung saya udah nonton that blonde Bond, jadi nggak ada pilihan lain selain Harsh Times (don’t ask me ‘bout the movie… it’s just… not recommended) we should’ve went to Hollywood KC dan nonton Black Dahlia ya Bung… yeah whatever…

Selesai nonton we had dinner di salah satu Malaysian restaurant… lumayan lah… you know, di Setiabudi Building nggak ada restaurant enak menurut gw… selain Ming… tapi harganya asli nggak sopan… so, forget about that… unless you are broke but a snob-lifestyler…

And then we headed to Starbucks… you know what… frankly, I really really hate to buy all their products ever since I found out that they’re supporting the blody zionist… but what can I say? I need their hi-speed wireless Internet access people… (which happen to be ‘error’ right as I got my cup of hot tea ready…). Nice. Very nice. It’s a Palestinian curse! There are few choices of cafés which also offers Wi-Fi access, Amadeus for instance… but we’re too lazy.


Saya tidak punya banyak ‘tempat curhat’ untuk relieve stress. Hanya ada tiga. Septi, Ade dan Bunga… udah lama nggak ketemu any of them, so many stories, complains and gossips to laugh and cry… jadi saya seneng banget bisa ketemu Bunga, having a private time, just me and her..., the tea, the cozy sofa and the rain outside...

You are a tough girl, I’m so very proud of you Bung… no doubt about it.
I’ve learned my lesson and I screwed up too.

Kalau curhat sama si Bungtje ya… dia hanya mendengarkan cerita saya, ketawa ketawa pas ceritanya konyol…, unbelievably-jayus atau bodoh-sedunia… kalau ceritanya appalling she just gave me that impish grin… that’s what I love about her… she’s quirky and unique and she's not fond of giving advises.

Tomorrow she’ll depart back to Jogja… I’m gonna miss her… kalau jadi ke Jogja untuk dateng ke wedding-nya… mmm…, temennya temen, (which happen to be her friend as well) then I’ll see you again soon.

Hey, I hate staying at the hotel… would you be kind enough to share your bed for a couple night Bung? ^-^

Life is tough, and this endless rambling have to be ended… I’m reaching home.
Nite nite everyone.

I miss you already