Jan 19, 2007

The hypocrites among us...

I'm tired and sick of these people. Not just because they acts in contradiction to their stated feelings or beliefs… but also because they ruin those lovely outfit. Sayangnya dibalik pakaian-pakaian indah, elegant make-up from a pricey makeup artist, dan harumnya wewangian tubuh buatan eropa itu… bersembunyi pribadi2 yang…………, well, lebih rendah dari hewan gw rasa. Mau bilang monyet, but please, even monyet nggak sepantasnya disejajarkan dengan orang orang munafik. You'd better be a monkey than a hypocrite.

I swore to God, I will NEVER… want to be friends with this kind of people. EVER. Just don’t act in contradiction of your own feelings, characters, or personalities... for God's sake.

Jan 17, 2007

The clock was ticking faster than i realized.

I miss these things.....

Laughing till my stomach hurts.
Enjoying a ride down the country side.
Listening to my favorite song on the radio.
Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside.
Getting out of the shower and wrapping myself with a warm, fuzzy towel.
Sharing a wonderful dinner with all of my friends.
Laughing without a reason.
Watching the sunset.
Having a great time with my friends.
Visiting an old friend of mine and remembering great memories.

....Gosh, where have i been all this time???

Jan 16, 2007

The Management of Pain

“Adequate pain control” means pain management that reduces a patient’s moderate or severe pain to a level of mild pain or no pain at all, as reported by the patient.
The Young Woman came to the Old Man seeking counsel

I’m in pain, Old Man.

How badly is the pain?

It’s almost killed me, it’s like half of me had been ripped from my soul.

Any specific reason for the pain?

My husband was cheating on me.

I’m afraid I can’t help you.


You should not kill the pain.


You’d better hold up your peace and live with the pain for a while.


So you can transfer the pain to your husband when the time comes.

No!! I don't want to hurt his feeling, Old man. But I don’t mind to hurt that bitch’s feeling.

Sure, it’s easier for you to hate someone else than hating your loved ones even though he is guilty.

The Young Woman turns and stares out the window.

You okay?

The Young Woman stares straight ahead.

No, I’m not okay.

How are you feeling?


Do you need anything?

I need to get out of here.

The Young Woman turns and without a word walks out of the room, shuts the door and gone.

Jan 15, 2007

People come, People go...

Jum’at kemarin one of my office mate resigned. Padahal dia masih tergolong baru disini... Baru empat bulan, baru lulus probation… saya dan Angie nggak deket2 amat, but we do chat sometimes, ditangga samping... diantara asap rokok dan canda tawa orang orang lantai dua, talking about her job, my job, gossiping random people… that stuffs.

Angie ini cubicle-nya dilantai satu, saya dilantai dua… hari-hari pertama dia masuk kantor… everybody was like ‘who’s that girl with blue fake eyes and brown hair sih???’ Beberapa cewek dengan tampang ‘I’M YOUR SENIOR HERE, EYES DOWN, RESPECT ME”… sementara cowok2 seneng dapet pemandangan baru… setiap pagi saya selalu lewat didepan cubicle nya karena mesin absen jaman dino itu ada disamping cubiclenya… lucunya tuh anak selalu ngeliatin gw dengan padangan agak2 jiper karena tampang judes bawaan lahir gw mungkin hahahaha … but I always say ‘Hi’ and give her a big grin every morning, simply because I know how it feels to be a new kid on the block.

One day she called me and said ‘Mbak, bisa ngobrol2 bentar nggak? Nanti pas break gw ke atas’... and there she was, sitting next to me in my f*ck*n narrow cubicle… nanyain experience gw selama disini… jenjang carrier, menyamakan persepsi akan satisfaction dalam berkarir, curhat tentang orang2 yang caught in the act lagi nggossipin dia atau yang terang2an nunjukin ketidak-sukaan mereka karena dia ngerokok… dan satu orang yang katanya demen banget bikin dia keliatan bego sedunia didepan orang banyak hahaha… emang nasib lo apes banget ya… orang2 banyak yang kekeuh manggil dia ‘angel’ dengan pronunciation Jawa yang artinya susah but she didn’t mind keliatannya.

Angie sebagai fresh graduate semangatnya masih berkobar kobar just like those flares on platforms, dia berani… and she is looking forward to having a better challenge… pokoknya Njie, keputusan lo untuk keluar itu emang bener deh.

Sore sore di hari terakhir dia kerja kita ngobrol berdua ditangga… dia bilang ke gw “Gw resign bukan karena duit… atau environment disini yang agak2 ajaib… cemen aja gw kalo resign cuma karena working under pressure di environment yang nggak terlalu kondusif… gw keluar karena job desc dikantor baru lebih civilize, dan keliatannya mereka memang akan nyuruh gw untuk explore kemampuan gw… kayaknya sih disitu lebih menjanjikan untuk gw berkembang, hehehe mudah2an gw nggak dibilang kutu loncat yang nggak loyal ya hahahaha”…

Wah gw kehilangan temen curhat nih Njie… lantai dua nih isinya cowok semua dan lo kan tau nggak ada yang curhatable kecuali Ricky… tapi Ricky juga kalo lagi ‘PMS’ kan nyebelin… payah deh. Sukses ya disana Njie… kalo nggak ngobrol sama lo kemarin gw nggak bakal tau that I’ve been cheated… Maybe its about time for me to call it quits… Well, let’s see.

Jan 11, 2007

Madonna sure is quoteable (" ,)

I've always been in love with you
I guess you've always known it's true
You took my love for granted why oh why...
The show is over say goodbye

Take a bow - Madonna

Jan 5, 2007

Recent Calendar



- Jogja… masih menyenangkan seperti kemarin2… diajak road trip in less than 24 hours by my dearest friend Bunga on the first day… (tapi yang ini rahasia deh)

- Went to Baron and Sundak beach… beautiful view, amazing wave… tough ride for mabok-ers for sure… Di Sundak banyak ikan gembung mati dipinggiran pantai… mungkin hasil nelayan yang nangkep ikan pake bom kali ya… poor fishy fish…!

Nggak ada orang yang berani berenang-renang lho disini… assssli! Bahaya beneran kali ya hahaha *bodoh*… padahal kalo mau surfing atau boogie boarding seru banget tuh ombaknya… but of course, no one dares to do such crazy thing in south beach… (hallo dimana kamu? lagi keseret ombak nih towards samudera Hindia… *hayah*)

- Saya akhirnya tau pohon petai itu seperti apa, dan kota Jogja kalau dilihat dari atas kelihatan kaya apa…

- Bering Harjo for several times, Ambarukmo Plaza, ah ya… 21 Cineplex (like we don’t have it here in Jakarta halah2), ke Kota Gede yang bersahaja, Karaokeing… :D hohoho am having too much fun than expected.

Yah.. begitulah folks... thanks for stopping by.