Mar 2, 2008

you will be missed...

I supposed to post this last week:

Talking about Grandma, I’m trying hard NOT to do things that might hurt her heart… my grandma is now living with us… last night she was crying out loud at 1 am, so I stormed out of my bedroom to see what happened… She was confused and disoriented and couldn’t get to sleep… so I told her to close her eyes and pray… but she failed to sleep til about 4am! This is where I start to have my sleeping pills... ‘baby-sitting’ is never easy!!!

Can’t really imagine when I’m a very old lady... I shall be sitting in my care home... knitting sweater for my pretty little grand daughter and bitch about hearing aids with my old chum... - I guess.


My Grandma passed away last Sunday (24/02) I talked to her at around 11 pm, I held her hands then I went to sleep, at 6.30 am she was gone, just like that... I thought –at least- you could say goodbye to me and let me know that in 7 hours you will leave me forever... :'(

…dan ucapkanlah kepada keduanya ucapan yang mulia. Dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap mereka berdua dengan penuh kasih sayang dan ucapkanlah: “Wahai Rabbku, kasihilah mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka berdua telah mendidik aku waktu kecil.”
(Al Isra’ : 24)