Aug 4, 2008

Adam Air black box recording leaked?

I'm sure most of us were saddened to hear the black box recording regardless it truly belongs to Adam Air KI 574
or not. Menhub Jusman Syafii Djamal who was terribly 'kebakaran jenggot' knowing the strictly confidential recording leaked to media has stated that the recording is fake whilst Senior Pilot interviewed by Nuansa Pagi - RCTI this morning said 'It's too real to be fake'... and i couldn't agree more.

Former Head of KNKT Setio Raharjo said 'cockpit conversation recorded in the black-box is strictly confidential and is not for public disclosure under
Annex 13 International Civil Aviation Organization'.

I read this morning and found out our Menhub has replaced the word 'fake' with 'illegal'.
May the 102 victims rest in peace.