Jun 17, 2008

what will matter

- By Michael Josephson

Ready or not, someday it will all come to an end.
There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.
All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten,
will pass to someone else.

Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.
Your grudges, resentments, frustrations,
and jealousies will finally disappear.

So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will expire.
The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.
It won't matter where you came from,
or on what side of the tracks you lived, at the end.

It won't matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant
Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.
So what will matter? How will the value of your days be measured?

What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built;
not what you got, but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success, but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or
sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others
to emulate your example.

What will matter is not your competence, but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew,
but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone.
What will matter is not your memories,
but the memories that live in those who loved you.

What will matter is how long you will be remembered,
by whom and for what.
Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident.
It's not a matter of circumstance but of choice.
Choose to live a life that matters.

The Unessential no.3

1. What's one thing that would instantly make you dislike a man?
~ ungentleman-like behavior. Boys put this in your pipe and smoke it! 
2 What do you do when you need to relax? 
~ chill with my ipod (b4 it's broken), read my favorite magz, watch good dvds go for a leisurely walk with friends 
3 Why do you think there is war in the world? 
~ Hatred, politics?
4 If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first? 
~ a circus?
5 Would it change your life
~ a little
6 What was the last thing you purchased? 
~ Gatra magz 
7 What do you do when you're stressed out? 
~ take a bath, play soft music, lay down in bed, read a book 
8 Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else? 
~ I think I would. Well, not now.. but maybe when I become a mom :D 
9 Do you believe in Aliens? 
~ aliens like Alien Cruise? 
10 Could you forgive a boyfriend or girlfriend who physically hurt you? 
~ absolutely No 
11 What's your greatest fear in life? 
~ wasting my life 
12 Do you have a best friend? 
~ i do
13 Is it a guy or a girl? 
~ both 
14 Do you think parents should stay together for the kids? 
~ of course. But if parents have to split up its important to stay friends 
15 Can money buy happiness? 
~ well, la felicità non costa niente they say
16 Are you looking forward to anything? 
~ yep, looking forward to receive this carreer changing letter, at the moment.
17 Write some lyrics from the song you’re listening to
~ What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but what if it don't?
18 Do you open up to people easily? 
~ not really.. tho sometimes its difficult to button-my-lips so-the-secret-don’t-slip when I met a nice person to chat with 
19 Has anyone paid you a compliment today? 
~ yep
20 Has anyone upset you in the last week? 
~ no, not last week 
21 Are you close to your parent(s)? 
~ I am daddy’s little girl!
22 What's the best thing about you? 
~ that I don’t have the best thing :D 
23 Do you think you would be a good parent? 
~ definitely 
24 Are you a forgiving person? 
~ uhum... but forgiveness also has its limits 
25 What is in store for your future
~ you tell me

Jun 13, 2008


Pergi ke Citarik untuk Rafting hari Sabtu kemaren ber 56-an, providernya Arus Liar yang service nya lumayan memuaskan kecuali untuk molornya schedule rafting gara-gara nugguin boat yang available karena semuanya sedang 'menyungai'. Biaya per pax 300.000 rupiah saja sudah termasuk lunch dan highrope games yang terdiri dari elvis walk, flying fox dan pampers pool. Highrope games adalah permainan yang tepat bagi para penderita Aeroacrophobia to conquer the fear dan ternyata seperti yang sudah diduga 80% dari 56 orang teman gw adalah penderita Aeroacrophobia, dan tentu lah gw termasuk contributor yang bikin persentasenya mencapai 80.

Biasanya kalau rapids at water level sekitar 70 cm boat bisa nampung sampai 7 orang, tapi karena kemarin cuma 50 cm jadi cuma bisa 5 orang, karena Mas Ari bilang perempuan biasanya lebih kenceng teriaknya daripada paddlingnya maka diputuskan untuk bikin group yang terdiri dari 2 perempuan dan 2 laki-laki supaya Guidenya nggak terlalu tersiksa karena harus paddle sendiri, tapi sayangnya 4 orang perempuan ini yang mirisnya gw termasuk didalamnya adalah orang2 yang selalu protes terhadap segala hal yang mengancam kesenangan dan kepentingan pribadi maupun golongan mereka, maka kita pun protes ke Mas Ari:

Gw: ‘Mas, kita nggak mau dipisah2 terus digabungin sama dua orang cowok’
: ‘Loh emang kenapa?’

Indra: ‘Bukan muhrim, Mas...’
Ari: ‘Emang lu pikir mas mas Guide itu muhrim lu gituh?’
Ayu: ‘Kalau itu karena kasusnya emergency dan merupakan bagian dari upaya menciptakan keselamatan dan kebahagiaan nggak papa Mas’
Nisa: ‘Sebenernya kita nggak mau dipisah untuk kepentingan photography Mas.. dan apa kata orang tua kami kalau nanti mereka liat foto2 rafting kita terus kita nya nggak berempat yang berarti udah melanggar kesepakatan bersama untuk saling menjaga anak-anak mereka satu sama lain..'

Akhirnya dengan cerdas Mas Ari memilih untuk nggak ambil pusing a.k.a don’t give a damn. Kemudian dia bilang ‘ya terserah lah.. kalian berempat naik boat kuning itu.. ini guide kalian namanya Mas Abu.. dan Mas Abu pun terlihat lemas, terbayang dibenaknya perjuangan yang harus ditempuhnya sendiri selama 2.5 jam mengendalikan boat, paddle yang benar, dorong2 boat kalo pas nyangkut dibatu, sendiri saja! Sementara gw, Nissa, Indra dan Ayu hanya bisa menyumbang jerit dan tawa supaya Mas Abu tetap semangat dan tidak terlalu kecewa.

Jun 10, 2008

The unessential no.2

1. Do you think you can last for an hour without talking?
~ of course.. not a busy-bee here
2. Your must-do list today?
~ attend Pilates class tonight, yuck
3. What is one thing you hear a lot?
~ people talking over the phone
4. What’s one thing that you want right now?
~ get a replacement for my broken nano
5.Do you have a lot of regrets?
~ ...who doesn't?
6.Have you ever regretted letting someone go?
~ nope. never
7. Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
~ like I care
8. Do you miss someone?
~ I miss her so much :’(
9. When will be the next time you hold someone's hand?
~ don’t know yet
10. Are looks important?
~ Well people powder their nose every morning and brush their teeth twice a day for something
11. What are you wearing?
~ Red top, black skirt, heels
12.Do you have a wild side?
~ oh boy..
13. What is your current mood?
~ happy go lucky
14. Were you smiling when you woke up this morning?
~ no, I did storm into the bathroom tho
15. Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset?
~ sunset pour moi!
16.Would you die for someone?
~ i'd die for my mom
17. Last song you heard?
~ Don’t matter - Akon
18. Do you like anyone right now?
~ yep
19.If someone did like you, how should they let you know?
~ just spit it ou
20. How was your day?
~ not too wild, so it was good
21. Do you live near any of your friends?
~ yep
22.Are you happier single or in a relationship?
~ that’s a tough question.. it depends on what you're after. Can be happy in both case.
23.Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
~ absofreakinlutely
24.What is bugging you right now?
~ something i'd rather keep for myself
25.Whats something you wish you could understand better?
~ what my heart is telling me
26. If someone doesn't like you, its usually because...?
~ I’m too charming and they'd get jealous and insecure. Bitch, i don't care

Jun 5, 2008


Since when does love become mathematical?

Jun 3, 2008

These.. I don't have the guts to...

Quit my job today 
Pack my bag tonight
Fly to Bali tomorrow
Rent a cheap small room down Poppy’s Lane 
Get my self a wreck bike
Ride it everywhere
Take random pictures of anything everyday
Talk to random people on the street every night
Cook my own Nasi Campur
Mix my own Magic Mushroom
Wire Dad for money once a month 

When you don't have a thing, you don't give a damn